Get access to the leadership journey

The Leadership Habit for People Leaders

Hi there!

I'm Sarah Cherif, and I'm so excited to welcome you to this program for People Leaders. For the last 20 years, I've been helping leaders like yourself master essential skills for people leadership. Not by doing something really hard once or twice, but through consistency, and having more and better conversations with your team. I will be hosting the webinars in this program personally because I'm dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. Together, we'll embark on a journey to develop the skills that will make you an outstanding people leader. Let's get started!
Sarah Cherif, founder SkillsGym
"You don't get a six-pack by working out once."

Let's connect!


Master 5 Critical Skills for People Leaders

Imagine a team member who's been with you for 2 to 5 years: How have they grown? Do they know how to get results? Are they ready for their next role? Do they trust you? Our program will teach you how to nurture their growth, skill development, and self-awareness. We focus on building leaders who cultivate trust through honest communication, encourage autonomy, and avoid micromanagement. You'll gain the tools to support your team's progression, ensuring each member excels in their current role and is prepared for greater responsibilities. Join us to become the catalyst for your team's success, creating an environment where every individual feels valued, understood, and motivated to achieve their best.


Coaching to Grow

After this program, you will effectively coach team members to foster their growth and potential.



After this program, you will master the art of delegating, empowering your team and enhancing productivity.


Practicing Empathy

After this program, you will understand and practice empathy, creating stronger connections with your team.


Recognition Culture

After this program, you will establish a recognition culture, motivating and acknowledging your team's efforts.


Inclusion and Diversity

After this program, you will promote inclusion and diversity, ensuring every voice is heard and valued.

How to Navigate Your People Leader Journey

Our journey for people managers consists of 5 courses, each focusing on a critical skill. By following the steps below, you'll effectively develop and enhance your people leadership skills:



Each course begins with an on-demand webinar.
You can watch the webinar alone, with a buddy, or with your team.
> Plan these webinars yourself, placing them in your calendar now.
> Leave 3-6 weeks between each webinar to allow for on-the-job practice.


On-the-Job Challenges

After each webinar, you will complete 3 on-the-job challenges.
Each challenge includes:
> A habit-building practice (individual or with your team).
> A conversation with your buddy or team.


Live Workouts and Q&A

Add the live bi-weekly "workouts" (30-minute sessions focusing on one "power habit" from our SkillsGym offer, designed to accelerate growth across multiple skills). After the workout, join the Q&A with Sarah. For SkillsGym Health Members, there are also bi-weekly "energy breaks" with Nils, followed by a Q&A with Nils.

What gets scheduled in, gets done.

  • Schedule in the 5 webinars (1 hour - 70 minutes), leaving 6 weeks (or 3 if you want to complete the program in 4 months instead of 7 months). Go to the program, and register now, or put a placeholder in your calendar.
  • Schedule in the on-the-job challenges with your buddy or team (30 minutes every 2 weeks)
  • Schedule in time for learning, by checking out the extra resources on the platform (10 minutes every 2 weeks)
  • Put a daily reminder to practice your new habits!
  • Put the live weekly sessions in your calendar.

What's included?

We've selected our 5 most in-demand programs for People Leaders:

5 programs

Use the 5 programs in this bundle to create a 5-7 month learning journey for yourself, keeping you focused on integrating this skill in your workflow and daily life.

5 webinars

Each module starts with a 1-hour webinar, delivered by our ceo and founder Sarah Cherif.

15 challenges

Following each webinar, you gain access to additional resources related to the content covered on the platform. This includes 15 challenges that guide teams through structured conversations to practice and develop essential soft skills.

Daily practice

There's no need for you to figure out how to apply what you've learned in the workflow. Each program gives you a concrete plan for daily practice, focusing on the smallest habits you need to build, and the conversations you need to be having.

Bi-Weekly Live Sessions

Every two weeks, Sarah hosts a live Q&A and a "workout", focusing on one of the 20 "power habits" from SkillsGym. These habits are the gold of the Pareto Principle, allowing you to achieve 80% of the results from all 40 SkillsGym programs in just one year. Join the live Power Habit Workouts to accelerate your growth.

Total time investment

5 webinars = 5 hours
15 challenges = 7,5 hours
Daily practice = 15 minutes per week
Duration: 4-7 months (depending on whether you opt for 1 or 2 weeks practice time per module)
So, here's the plan in short; master 5 essential skills in 4-7 months. For each skill, follow a webinar (with a buddy or your team), and get your reps in and put into practice with the on-the-job challenges.

By Taking This Journey, You will...

Foster Growth

Building the skill of coaching as a people leader is crucial for fostering a culture of continuous improvement and personal growth within an organization. Effective coaching enables leaders to empower their team members, unlocking their full potential and enhancing overall performance. By developing this skill, leaders can provide valuable feedback, support individual career development, and create a more engaged and motivated workforce. Our program is meticulously designed to equip leaders with practical coaching techniques and strategies, ensuring they can confidently guide their teams through challenges and opportunities. Participants in our program experience a transformative journey, gaining insights that not only improve their coaching abilities but also lead to tangible improvements in team dynamics and organizational success. Investing in this skill amplifies a leader's impact, driving both personal and professional growth across the board.

Delegate Like a Pro

Developing the skill of delegating as a people leader is essential for maximizing productivity and fostering a sense of ownership and accountability among team members. Effective delegation allows leaders to focus on strategic priorities while empowering their team to take on meaningful responsibilities, thereby enhancing their skills and confidence. By mastering this skill, leaders can prevent burnout, ensure tasks are completed efficiently, and create a more dynamic and collaborative work environment. Our program offers comprehensive training in the art of delegation, providing leaders with practical tools and techniques to delegate tasks effectively and thoughtfully. Participants in our program will experience a significant shift in their leadership approach, learning to trust and leverage their team's strengths. This not only optimizes team performance but also cultivates a culture of trust and empowerment, leading to sustained organizational growth and success.

Use Tactical Empathy

Building trusting relationships requires genuine empathy, a skill that can't be faked. This program delves into the practice of empathy, teaching you how to genuinely connect with your team members. You'll learn how to listen actively, understand their perspectives, and respond in a way that demonstrates true care and understanding. This skill is crucial for fostering a supportive and inclusive team environment where every member feels valued.

Manage Diversity & Inclusion

Building the skill of promoting diversity and inclusion as a people leader is essential for fostering an environment where all team members feel respected, valued, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. A diverse and inclusive workplace enhances creativity, innovation, and problem-solving, as it brings together a wide range of experiences and ideas. Leaders who excel in this area can attract and retain top talent from varied backgrounds, creating a more dynamic and competitive organization. Our program is designed to equip leaders with the knowledge and tools to effectively champion diversity and inclusion. Through comprehensive training, participants learn to recognize and mitigate biases, implement inclusive practices, and cultivate a culture that celebrates differences. By building this skill, leaders can drive meaningful change within their organizations, leading to improved employee satisfaction, higher productivity, and a stronger, more adaptable business.

Install a Recognition Culture

Developing the skill of establishing a recognition culture as a people leader is critical for motivating and engaging team members, leading to higher levels of performance and job satisfaction. A culture of recognition ensures that employees feel appreciated for their hard work and contributions, which boosts morale and fosters a sense of belonging. By regularly acknowledging achievements, leaders can reinforce positive behaviors, enhance employee loyalty, and reduce turnover. Our program is designed to help leaders master the art of recognition, providing practical strategies for creating a consistent and meaningful recognition culture. Participants will learn to tailor recognition efforts to individual preferences, ensuring that every team member feels valued in a way that resonates with them. Building this skill through our program will lead to a more motivated and cohesive team, driving long-term success and a positive organizational culture.

Take a step-by-step approach

We believe that when it comes to building skills, nothing beats daily practice. Aim for just 1% better every day, right?! If you truly want to excel in the five essential skills, we recommend spreading our five programs over eight months. This approach allows ample time to integrate new habits and meaningful conversations into your daily routine, ensuring lasting and impactful growth.

Meet your trainer

At the kickstart of your 3 - 6 week skills development program, you will follow a webinar delivered by Sarah Cherif, founder and CEO of SkillsGym. Here are a few things you might like to know about her:

Sarah's background

Sarah began her career at the University of Ghent with degrees in child education and philosophy, quickly realizing her passion for teaching. Faced with the challenge of helping seasoned leaders develop soft skills without any prior corporate experience, she turned this disadvantage into a strength by creating evidence-based, sure-proof plans to build strong soft skills through habit formation and impactful conversations.

Personal life

Sarah's roots are Belgian and Tunesian, and she partially grew up in Washington DC. She currently lives in Belgium with her partner Nils (who is co-founder of SkillsGym Health), and has a dog named Lizzy.

20+ years of impact

Together with her SkillsGym team, Sarah has helped numerous world-class organizations like Samsung, Deloitte, Ikea... and thousands of managers and their teams improve their soft skills. SkillsGym now offers programs to accelerate the mastery of 50 essential leadership, team and well-being skills.

Fun fact

Sarah tests all the habits and conversations in the SkillsGym offer herself; that's more than 200+ habits and 200+ conversations. Most of them have become second nature. Yet, as you'll learn in the webinars, she isn't shy to talk about the failures and frustrations along the way.